Exchange and Return Policy

You have 5 days from the date of purchase to exchange or return items.

The exchange or return process require two simple steps:

  1. Visit any SAP pharmacy Branch.
  2. Bring the purchase receipt with you.


  • In case of returning (1+1offer ) or (2+1 offers items,) or discount on the second piece returns, the whole set of products must be returned together.
  • In the case of returning offer items: the entire range of offer must be returned in its value at the time of the offer.
  • Purchase invoice is necessary for return services, within 5 days from the date of purchase.
  • Items must be in their original condition unchanged (such as unopened packages or   color change or damages).
  • If you return a product for a refund, we will deduct the number of points collected from your SAP gifts points loyalty program.
  • If the order is cancelled before delivery, full amount charges along with any delivery fees applied will be refunded and will be automatically transferred to your card and will reflect within 7-14 business days.
  • Cases where product returns are not accepted:
    • If the barcode is removed or cleared (for pharmaceuticals only).
    • Items that require special storage conditions such as refrigerator medicines and baby food.
    • Products supplied by health insurance.
    • Maternity clothing for public health purposes.
    • Opening of the well tightly closed products.
    • Refrigerators storage times and Insulin.